Lady after hifu face lifting treatment V aesthetics

HIFU V-Lift Face Lifting Treatment in Malaysia

As we age, our bodies start to produce less collagen which results in signs of aging such as sagging skin and wrinkles. Traditionally, surgical facelifts are the only few options to tighten skin but with the game-changing HIFU ultrasound treatment, you can now achieve a V-shape face without surgical procedures.

The HIFU V-Lift ultrasound treatment, also known as High Intensity Focused Ultrasound a non-invasive procedure to lift and tighten skin. This procedure utilises ultrasound energy to target the superficial, deep dermis, and SMAS layers of the skin, delivering a triple-layer lifting effect to specific areas.

  • Tightening Sagging Skin
  • Firming and Lifting Saggy Face
  • Reducing Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Melt Facial Fat and Double Chin
  • Improving Dark Eye Circles, Skin Tone and Texture

What is HIFU V-Lift Treatment?

HIFU V-Lift treatment is a non surgical face lifting procedure that harnesses ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen and elastin production in the skin.

The face lifting procedure is widely used to promote skin tightening and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and facial fats. HIFU’s ultrasound energy precisely targets the SMAS layer, effectively promoting collagen formation beneath the skin’s surface.

The HIFU V-Lift treatment reaches deep layers of the skin without damaging the skin surface. The treatment is ideal for addressing wrinkles and sagging skin on the face and neck. It also proves effective in treating concerns like double chins and saggy jowls.

Hifu treatment procedure

How Does The HIFU V-Lift Treatment Work?

HIFU V-Lift treatment harnesses medical-grade ultrasound energy to penetrate deep into the skin at precise depths to deliver effective skin tightening, resulting in a lifted and youthful appearance.

The ultrasound energy heats the tissue below the skin’s surface, reaching temperatures of 60-70 degrees Celsius. This targeted heat causes micro damage to the skin and triggers the body’s natural response to repair skin tissues and produce collagen. This leads to improved skin tone and texture, without harming the surrounding skin. Additionally, the generated heat has a unique fat-melting effect, making HIFU V-Lift an effective solution for double chin removal.

How deep does hifu go

How Deep Does HIFU V-Lift Treatment Go?

HIFU V-Lift precisely targets three crucial layers at specific depths —the Epidermis, Deep Dermis, and the Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System (SMAS), which are facial muscles normally worked on by cosmetic surgeons during a traditional facelift.

At 1.5mm Depth:

HIFU V-Lift reaches the superficial dermis, effectively reducing melanin to lighten pigmentation and illuminate the skin.

At 3mm Depth:

Reaching into the deep dermis, HIFU V-Lift causes controlled heating to tighten the skin, initiating the stimulation of collagen production for a rejuvenated complexion.

At 4.5mm Depth:

HIFU V-Lift ultrasound reaches the Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System (SMAS), delivering a remarkable skin-lifting effect from deep within the skin.

HIFU V-Lift Treatment Areas

The HIFU V-Lift treatment addresses various signs of skin aging. Specifically designed for the face and neck, the treatment targets unwanted wrinkles, saggy skin and facial fats around the face. Ultimately, the treatment redefines the jawline and enhances facial contours, leading to the coveted V-shaped face.

Commons Areas for HIFU V-Lift Treatment:

    • Double Chin
    • Saggy Jowls
    • Chubby Cheeks
    • Forehead Wrinkles
    • Frown Lines
    • Smile Lines
    • Crow’s Feet
    • Neck Lines

Benefits of HIFU V-Lift Treatment

From achieving a V-shape face to restoring younger, bouncier skin, the treatment brings plenty of benefits.


Reduce Fine Lines & Wrinkles

The treatment is effective at reducing fine lines and wrinkles. As skin loses elasticity over time, HIFU V-Lift stimulates collagen production, leading to smoother skin and a reduction in the depth of wrinkles.


Sagging Skin Tightening

By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, HIFU V-Lift densifies the skin to visibly tighten saggy skin and restore a more youthful and lifted appearance.


Shaper, More Defined Jawline

HIFU V-Lift can effectively melt facial fats, leading to the jawline’s sculpted appearance. The gradual tightening of the skin through increased collagen production results in a naturally defined jawline.


Forehead and Brows Lifting

HIFU V-Lift’s natural skin lifting effects can help lift and rejuvenate the appearance of sagging jowls, brows and eyelids. The treatment helps redefine and improve features of the face.

Face Lifting Treatment Without Surgery

The HIFU V-Lift treatment is widely recognised as a secure, efficient, and non-surgical method for enhancing facial skin tightness. Its benefits compared to traditional facelift surgery include the absence of incisions, and scars, and the need for downtime.

The treatment’s precise energy penetrates deep into the skin without damaging the skin’s surface and relies on the body’s natural healing response to improve skin complexion. Furthermore, HIFU V-Lift is a more cost-effective alternative to facelift procedures.

Non-invasive, non surgical hifu treatment

What Are The Differences Between HIFU V-Lift and Surgical Facelift?

  1. HIFU V-Lift is mostly painless and has minimal downtime, unlike surgical facelift which may require a month of recovery time. Most patients can return to their daily activity directly after HIFU V-lift.
  2. HIFU is non-invasive and non-surgical, which eliminates surgical or anaesthesia complications. This allows HIFU to have safety and results in fewer sessions.
  3. HIFU is affordable, treatment produces the same lifting effect at a reasonable price point while surgical facelift can easily cost tenths and thousands.

Who Is Suitable for HIFU V-Lift Treatment?

The face-lifting treatment works well for those seeking to diminish wrinkles, loose skin and achieve an overall more defined face shape. If you’re uncertain whether you need the treatment, here some are indicators:

Wrinkles Hifu Treatment


The body’s natural aging process causes collagen production to decline, leading to fine lines and wrinkles, including those on the forehead, frown lines, smile lines, crow’s feet, and neck lines.

Saggy Skin Hifu Treatment

Sagging Skin

The slow down of collagen production also causes the skin to lose volume, leading to loose and saggy skin. These concerns include saggy jowls, brows, and eyelids. 

Double Chin Hifu Treatment

Double Chin

Double Chin is a common condition that occurs when layers of fat are carried underneath the chin. Having a double chin can change the way you look including losing your jawline or even making you appear older than you actually are.

Facial Fats Fat Cheeks

Facial Fats

Facial fats especially around the cheeks are common. It changes the shape of our face and may even cause the skin to appear loose. Facial fats typically improve with fats melting, increased firmness and tightness.

HIFU Treatment for Fine Lines and Wrinkles

HIFU Treatment For Fine Lines

As we age, the natural decline in collagen production leads to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles across various areas like the forehead, frown lines, smile lines, crow’s feet, and necklines.

HIFU V-Lift triggers collagen production, aiding the gradual restoration of skin firmness and elasticity, thereby reducing the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines. The increased collagen also helps in uplifting and tightening the underlying tissues, leading to a youthful and rejuvenated overall look.

HIFU Treatment for Sagging Skin

HIFU Treatment For Saggy Skin

As collagen production naturally diminishes over time, our skin loses volume and it triggers noticeable signs of loose and sagging skin.

The treatment triggers the body’s natural collagen production which actively elevates and tightens the underlying tissues, restoring skin youthfulness. As the ultrasound energy reaches the deeper layers of the skin, it densifies the skin from the inside out and helps restore bouncier and supple skin.

HIFU Treatment for Double Chin

HIFU Treatment For Double Chin

HIFU V-Lift’s ultrasound energy efficiently targets unwanted fat cells in the double chin and cheek regions. This process helps to melt away layers of fats while activating collagen production and improving skin firmness.

Consequently, skin tightening around the face creates a more lifted and contoured face and jawline. This contributes to a shaper and more defined jawline and chin.

HIFU Treatment for Neck Lines

HIFU Treatment For Neck Lines

The treatment offers a non-invasive solution for addressing neck lines, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

By stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin in the neck area, HIFU V-Lift helps achieve a smoother and more youthful look, without the need for surgery or extensive downtime.

What Happens During Your HIFU V-Lift Treatment?



While most patients find the treatment painless, you may request a topical numbing cream to enhance your comfort.

Next, a gel solution will be applied to your skin to facilitate the passage of ultrasonic waves during the procedure.



During the HIFU V-Lift treatment, you may feel a mild prickling sensation.

The device administers pulses of ultrasonic at depths of 1.5, 3.0, and 4.5mm. This process stimulates collagen contraction, leading to collagen regeneration for a revitalised complexion.



The HIFU V-Lift treatment usually comes with minimal to no downtime. Most patients can resume their daily activities directly.

Mild swelling and redness could be observed but rest assured, these effects are temporary and may fade away in a few hours.

HIFU Before and After

As the ultrasound energy reaches your skin layer, it initiates a process of stimulating collagen production. This improvement progresses over 4 to 6 weeks as your skin continues its natural collagen generation.

It’s important to note that results may vary among individuals due to differences in collagen production and maintenance.

Visible Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Firmer & Younger-looking Skin

More Defined V-Shape Jawline and Face

What Are The Side Effects of HIFU V-Lift Treatment?

Typically, minimal side effects may be experienced following the face-lifting treatment, and they generally resolve within a few hours.

While some individuals may notice temporary sensations like mild swelling, numbness, or redness. These effects are usually mild and will self-resolve. Besides, a South Korean study finds that there were no significant adverse effects linked to the treatment.

Price of HIFU V-Lift Treatment in Malaysia

The cost of your face-lifting treatment in Singapore is influenced by several factors, including the ultrasound machines used, the treatment area, and the number of sessions required for your specific condition.

Generally, the pricing for HIFU face lifting treatment in Malaysia begins at RM128.

Ready For HIFU Treatment in Malaysia?

Overview of HIFU V-Lift Face Lifting Treatment in Malaysia
Treatment Time30 Minutes
Recommended Sessions3 – 5 Sessions
Recommended Intervals1 – 2 Months
DowntimeNone to Minimal
Treatment PriceRM128

HIFU V-Lift Frequently Asked Questions

We gathered the answers to some popular questions below. If you can’t find your question below feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

Is HIFU V-Lift Painful?

The face-lifting is a generally painless procedure. While some individuals may experience a slight ache along the jawline and cheekbone, topical anaesthesia is an option for those seeking additional comfort.

How many ultrasound pulses are required?

The quantity of shots needed can vary from one patient to another, contingent on factors such as the degree of skin sagging and facial size.

Typically, a full-face treatment might involve approximately 800 shots. Specific shot quantities for smaller or larger areas will be discussed during the consultation.

Post-treatment Care?

The skin may look flushed after treatment but will subside within 24-48 hours. You’re advised to:

  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure
  • Apply SPF protection daily
  • Avoid hot shower or baths
  • Avoid alcohol

Can I combine HIFU V-Lift with other treatments?

Yes, you can combine it with other treatments such as Pico Glow™ for maximum skin effect.

Talk to our consultants about your skin goals and we’ll devise the right plan for you.

How Does The Treatment Feel Like?

You may experience a mild prickling feeling and a heated sensation as the Ultrasound device administers the pulses into the skin.

But rest assured, even without numbing cream, many patients described the procedure as tolerable.

Can I do HIFU V-Lift Every Month?

Yes, you can. You will notice improvements in tighter and firmer skin after 1 month and you may return for another session.

For best results, we recommend that you return for a HIFU session every month, for at least 3 – 5 sessions.